Thursday 14 July 2011


Well guys I'm here today to interview one of the biggest Authors iv ever had a chance to speak to. Jacquelyn Frank, wrote books like the Night walkers. i know many of you guys have read her books and totally loved them,


Hi all. This is the part where I tell you about me. Well, I’m an author. (hehehe) At least I try to be. I live in Western North Carolina. I have a little girl named Bianca. I’m a very young 42 years old. I have nine (yeah, you’re reading that right) cats. Nicodemous, (though he is really very sweet and would never get involved with a bitch like Ruth), Damien, (Yes, he has protruding fangs and that’s where I got Damien’s name from!) Niño, Leo (I had a thing for ‘Charmed’s’ Leo at the time) Malcolm ‘Mal’ (Capt. Malcolm Reynolds if you please!), Magellan, Jacob (He was named AFTER the book came out) Flash, and Butch (Named after the bully on the Little Rascals because that is what he is and boy is he a boatload of trouble!)
I’m trying to figure out what you all might want to know. I am inspired by my dreams. The stories you read come straight out of my sleeping time.

Personally I’ve been through a lot lately. Mainly gastric bypass surgery. I have lost 165 lbs in a little over a year and now weigh less than that! I also had a breast reduction and will, later in 2010, have a lower body contouring to deal with the excess skin. I almost bit the dust within 24 hrs of the gastric surgery, but I would still do it all again, even knowing the risks I’d be taking. My life has changed so dramatically, things I didn’t even realize I was missing. I was living barely half a life before, now I am bright, energetic and can finally keep up with my kid and travel like I always wanted to! I just bought my first pair of high heels since I was 20 yrs old!! I could not walk in them before because of the weight. Near my maximum weight of 365lbs, I could barely walk from my car to the interior of a store where the carts were waiting. Now I can shop for hours! (Urm, much to my accountant’s dismay!) Can you tell this excites me?


So now lets go get down to it, I know you all want to know what Jacquelyn has to say.

SATIN- For all your fans out there tell us 5 things we don't already know about you....

JACQUELYN- Hmm...5 things my fans don't already know about me? That's a tough one. I am very out and open with my fans on a daily basis, so...let's see. Well number 1- I am a Pisces. A February baby to be exact. 2- I am ADDICTED to shopping! I love jewelry, shoes, clothes, OH, and I love love love the Coach outlets ;). 3- I play WoW. For those of you who don't know that is short for World of Warcraft an extremely addicting video game. 4- I am secretly in love with Mike Holmes LOL...I love me some HGTV! and 5- I make a mean marinara sauce. I love lots of different herbs and meats...Yum :P. Food, especially sweets, are a forte and a weakness.

SATIN-  How did you get into writing? When did you first think, "This is what i want to do." And what book was your very first book out.

JACQUELYN- Well, the bug first bit me when I was a teenager. 13 years old. I hated the lameness of the teen romances of the time and set out to do a better job. As for first published, that is quite and interesting story actually. I didn't approach being a writer the way that everyone else did. I sort of backed into this whole she-bang. I have always loved to write, but very privately. Only close friends and family ever read my work. One day I saw a contest, the Brava contest, on Lori Foster's website. The kind were you select three pages from any work and send them in. The winner then gets to send that whole finished work to the editor to be read. So, I contemplated over the idea of entering for some time. At that particular time in my life the fear of rejection was outstanding. Once I finally decided to enter the contest (okay my girlfriends threatened me with bodily harm if I didn't!) came the issue of which three pages to choose. Well, I didn't think they would want anything I already had because it didn't fit in their guidelines so I wrote an entire novel just to find those three pages. After agonizing over that and finally choosing, I sat there with my finger hovering over the send button. My girlfriend came up behind me and pushed my finger down onto the button. I then went into the bathroom and vomited. Well, I finales in the contest, but didn't win. So I was shocked when Kate Duffy from Kensingtonumm, I was thinking GIDEON." She was like, "Okay, that's good too!" "Well, what if I told you it's already written?" She was like "Really? Send it to me!" Then i nervously asked... "What would you say if I told you that I had a total of 5 books in the Nightwalkers series already written?" and she said "I say I think you need an agent!" And the rest? well I think you know what happened ;).

SATIN- When and if you ever have free time to relax and enjoy your self, how do you like to spend it?
JACQUELYN -Shopping! OR curled up in my bed, with my babies watching Mike Holmes on HGTV. 

SATIN-How many books have you written all together and out of all the books you have written, who is your favorite character and why? But also who is your least favorite and why?

JACQUELYN- So far I have 14 published works and I have 3 titles that are coming out later this year. My favorite character would have to be Magnus, from my novel Rapture. That book practically wrote itself. He was so strong, giving and kind and a fabulous warrior to boot. A man devoted to family and religion, but he also had a touch of that screw with me, and you will have to face my wrath type personality. His love for his Goddess is unrivaled until a woman comes along that is able to tempt even a priest of his stature. Their love heats up to a degree that while writing it, it left me breathless one minute and crying the next. As for a least favorite? I don't really have one. I love all my characters. But if I had to pick one I would say Kathryn for Stealing Kathryn. She was not as fleshed out as I would have liked her to be.

SATIN-I was wondering if you could tell us a little about your latest piece of work that you're working on and when will it be released.

JACQUELYN-I am currently working on a JAX title. I think. LOL! If this works out it will be a follow up to The Phoenix Project from the NOCTURNAL anthology. As for release? That is still up in the air for time being.

SATIN-Name one entity that you feel supported you out side of your  family.

JACQUELYN-Kate Duffy. My first editor at Kensington. May she rest. I call her my fairy godmother.

SATIN- Who designs your front covers and do you get much say in what they look like

JACQUELYN- The publishing company designs the covers. I have absolutely no involvement in the creation of them. I am sent a finished book cover and do get to say of "Yes, I love it" or "No, that won't work" but it's totally up to them whether they are going to listen to me or not. Usually they do though.

SATIN- Now that your books are doing really well and people know who you are, has your life changed any? if so how has it changed?

JACQUELYN- I am still the same person I have always been. Except with a lot more shoes!

SATIN-Okay I like to ask one totally random question, because I'm really strange like that. LOL. Have you ever dreamed you were in a story out of a of your own or someone Else's?

JACQUELYN-I actually got the idea for my first title JACOB from a dream. I woke up and immediately and started to write. I could just see him in my mind's eye, perched on that streetlamp. Hovering over his objective...lying in wait. Thus the Demon Enforcer came to life.

SATIN-I would like to thank you again for taking time out of your busy life to answer these questions because i know you're a very busy person. Is there anything you would like to say
to all your fans out there?

JACQUELYN-Keep buying my books, it helps pay my mortgage! LOL! No seriously, always dream big and then go for it. Never let anyone tell you that you don't deserve it, or that your not good enough or smart enough to do it. Never eat the second helping of Ben & Jerry's Pistachio Pistachio ice cream, it will give you a stomachache every time :( And don't forget...Nightwalker book 6 titled ADAM releases OCTOBER 25th, 2011. :P
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There you have it guys, I hope you enjoyed what Jacquelyn had to say. she is a very nice lady  havnt read her books yet should really go check them out now. what are you waiting for lol. If you want to find out more about Jacquelyn then go check out her web site :)  JACQUELYN'S WEBSITE


  1. wow wat a amazing review she sounds awesome i need to look her novels up....

  2. Awesome interview, ladies! Jacquelyn, I bought several of your books not long ago and I'm looking forward to getting started on them.

    btw...I live in northwestern NC. If you ever need someone to keep you company while shopping..... ;)

  3. Wow! I feel inspired! I'm turning off my internet connection and doing some writing! Thank you!!

  4. thanks ladys. glad you enjoyed it :)

  5. Great interview! I LOVE reading author interviews. The IRL book club I meet with monthly choose Seduce me in Dreams as one of our August reads.

  6. oh i think i have that one as well.. if you like this kind of thing i have another interview planned for sat cick

  7. What a great interview! I knew that JF had gastric bypass but I didn't know any of the details. I'm glad that she shared some of them.

  8. Amazing interview ladies!!

    I love your Nightwalker series Jacquelyn!! Jacob is my fav demon, but Gideon's book was one of my fav. Can't wait to get my hands on Adam ;)

  9. thanks for stopping by girls :)
