SATIN- first id like to thank you for taking the time to talk to little old me.Now for anyone out there who doesn't know who
you are, could you tell us a little bit about your self?
I’m a full
time mom and wife to the best family ever; part time public relations
professional for an international PR firm; part time professor of public
relations courses at a state university in California; and I’m bringing to
market a children’s education product that I’ve invented. Somehow in between all of that, I managed to
write a novel. Needless to say, there’s
never a dull moment around here.
SATIN-. Now then, what was the spark behind
this book? What inspired you into writing this great piece of work?
Well first
off, thank you for calling Click: An Online Love Story a “great piece of
work.” But, back to your question. My husband and I met online on a popular
dating website. After we married, I was
recalling some of the hilarious experiences that I had with both traditional
and online dating. I decided to capture some of them in writing and from
there, a novel emerged. Click
is loosely based on my real-life dating experiences, as well as stories friends
have shared with me. In some cases, things are written as they actually occurred. Other scenarios are exaggerated for
entertainment value or comedic affect.
And some scenarios are completely fictionalized. I really did go out on
a date with someone I met online who started every story (no joke!) with “My buddies and I were out drinking
last night.” But, the happy ending is
real. Steve and I have been happily married for eight years and have two
amazing daughters.
SATIN- What was your favourite part of this
book, and did you find any of it really hard to write
My favorite
part is the interaction between Renee and her friends. In my opinion, there’s nothing like having a
group of close friends who can support you when things get tough, laugh with
you when things get ridiculous, console you when you’re down, and cajole you
into doing things that they can see are good for you, but you are reluctant to
The hardest
part was keeping the timeline and email exchanges organized. Sometimes, I would have to look back a few
pages earlier to make sure I had cc’d or bcc’d the right people on an email and
that the subject lines were consistent.
In some cases, there were replies to forwards to replies. Keeping it all straight was a challenge, but
essential to the book’s format.
SATIN- OK from speaking to some of my other
author friends, i know some of them have a routine when they are writing. Do
you have a routine and can you tell us what it is?
I like to
write with the television on in the background.
When I first started writing, I was obsessed with Law & Order reruns. Now, I can’t seem to get enough of NCIS. I guess there’s a part of me that likes to
see justice served.
SATIN- When writing your books, what normally
comes first, the charactors or the idea of the novel?
In this
case, it started with the character’s story. As mentioned, I started reading
through early email exchanges between me and my husband as well as some of the
other emails I had received during my online dating experiences. I started writing up some of the hilarious
stories. From there, the idea of a novel
SATIN- OK my followers know I like to ask a
random questionn, But for you, you lucky girl, you get two. lol.
a, If you could take anyone out for a meal
(dead or alive) who would it be and why.
Jon Stewart. I think he’s brilliant, charismatic and funny
as hell.
b, Ok one of my favourite questions, all the
girls who follow me and most of the female authors have a favorite book guy, so
do you have a favorite book guy, whether its out of your book or someone
mentioned, there’s a part of me that likes to see justice served. That being said, my favorite male book
character is Atticus Finch. To Kill a Mockingbird is both my
favorite book and movie.
SATIN- Lastly have you got any thing else you
would like to add for my followers
I’ve said
many times before, if it happened for me, there’s hope for you. And, as my grandmother used to say, for every
chair, there’s a tush. Love is out
there; just be patient. And concentrate
on being a complete, happy and fulfilled person on your own. When you are
happy and secure in your own life, you will be much more attractive to someone
Also, I have
a Facebook page here
set up for Click: An Online Love Story. I’ve been asked numerous times when the
sequel is coming out. I’m thrilled
people are feeling invested in the characters and want to know more. Due to the feedback so far, I have started
working on a sequel, Double Click
that picks up a year or so later. I hope
people will be excited to see where Renee and her friends are in their
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