Starting December 1st, the Alinar authors will be here for their 12 Days of Christmas
celebration. Join them as they post Holiday Flash Fiction, Author
Interviews, Holiday memories and Daily Giveaways that include 50 PRIZES over all
12 days. Each day the prize bundles will get larger so come back every day for
your chance to win some great books. Mark your calendars and don't miss the
We'll see you December 1st when we start the celebration off with Holiday Themed Flash Fiction from all the authors!
We'll see you December 1st when we start the celebration off with Holiday Themed Flash Fiction from all the authors!
Wow doesn't that sound Amazing. I don't know about you but ill be there every day, I don't want to miss out. Now I'm sure you don't want to miss out so keep your eyes open and there should be more posts to remind you of of this Amazing Event.